Having diabetes means having a unique relationship with food. You are more aware than most of what you’re putting into your body because of the impact it has on your diabetes management. This awareness can be a huge advantage in terms of taking care of your health! While it may be complicated with carb counts and insulin dosing, there are some who have found certain food combinations to be helpful in their management. Here are some considerations in nutrition that you may find useful. Remember that everyone is different, and like varying taste, food regimens for some may not be the answer for others, so sample and decide. Bon appétit!
Nutritional Plans►
By providing a place for the community to share real-life experiences we hope you find inspiration and new ways of thinking about management. We encourage you to approach these offerings as you would a buffet—review the options, maybe try a few new things and come back for what works best for you. Bon Appetit!
Nutrition Basics►
Eat Well + Live Well►
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