Share your story


Diabetes impacts people –patients, caregivers, researchers, neighbors, classmates, colleagues– in a multitude of ways. Your voice, your experience or your life hack will inspire someone else along their journey, so we invite you to tell your story. Thank you for sharing with the Beyond Type 2 and/or Beyond Type 1 communities; we can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

Please note: Submission of content to Beyond Type 2 is governed by our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and by submitting the content to us, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Personal story submissions are currently unpaid; in some instances, we may be able to offer an honorarium for expert content or assistance in resource creation. 

Requirements for writing a personal feature

To share your story, please submit the following to

The Story

  • Pick a Focus – decide what makes your story stand out from other stories. We prioritize sharing stories from and resources for people with underrepresented lived experiences. (Do you have a special skill or have had a unique experience that you want to share? It, of course, should relate to type 2 diabetes in some way!)
  • Choose an inspiring incident  After you have a focus in theme, (e.g. skateboarding, music, fundraising, insurance management, motherhood, mental health, finding community, etc.) think of an experience involving that subject matter. Describe a specific event or moment that impacted you and changed the way you or others think.
  • Word Count: 600–1200, split into two to three sections with subheaders for readability

Other Inclusions

  • Bio: three to five sentences (your location, interests, any fun facts and your relationship to diabetes).
  • Photos: three to five high-resolution photographs (at least one landscape (wide) photo for your article’s header and one headshot for your bio).
  • Connect your story to social media: Include any social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, blog, etc.) so others can follow you and see what you’re all about!)
  • Prepare a description of your article for the social media platforms you use and would like to share your story on. (For example, write a tweet or brief Facebook message that explains your piece, so when your story goes live on our platforms, you’re ready to share it on yours as well.)

Please Review:

Before you write, see what others have done in our stories section.

Requirements for writing clinical content

Are you a doctor, diabetes educator, nutritionist, personal trainer, technophile, or simply an expert in a specific field? We are always sourcing compelling content for the type 2 diabetes community that addresses health and wellbeing, which may include anything from mental health and the physical sciences to hacks in technology and product reviews.

We prioritize resources and content that does not yet exist on other diabetes platforms and encourage submissions from folks with underrepresented backgrounds. If you are a trained specialist, tell us how you help others in your field. If you’ve recently discovered something that makes your life with diabetes better or improves the life of someone you love with type 2, share it with us.

To pitch your idea, please submit the following to

  • Topic: What will be the subject of your writing?
  • Credentials: List all certifications and relative experience. What makes you the expert?
  • Write an opening: This should be approximately a paragraph and detail what you’ll cover in the piece. Have it include a “thesis-like” statement of intent so there are no surprises for the reader. This will also show your writing style and voice; remember that the Beyond Type 2 platforms lead with people-first language and use an engaging and informal tone.
  • Make an outline: Let us know what you plan to cover and include. This does not need to be incredibly detailed, but we’d like to see what the content will entail.
  • Research: If additional research is required beyond your expertise, include accurate, cited information from reputable sources.
  • Word Count: If your pitch is accepted, your final piece should be 600–1200 words, split into two to three sections with subheaders for readability

Other Inclusions

  • Bio: three to five sentences (your expertise, location, interests and your relationship to diabetes).
  • Photos: a headshot for your bio and any relating photographs (you in your field or products, etc.)
  • Connect Your Story to Social Media: Include any social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, blog, etc.) so others can follow your expert advice!

Please Review

See examples of Beyond Type 2 clinical writing:

Are you a professional writer and interested in covering a type 2 diabetes topic? Contact us.

Don’t have time to write a feature or clinical piece, but have an incredible story or valuable information to share? Pitch it to us, and we might interview you on the topic.

Looking for other ways to contribute content? Submit to our Instagram wall.