Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes


Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a chronic disease that affects the way the body metabolizes glucose. Those with T2D are finding that their body either resists the effects of the insulin they are producing or that they do not produce enough insulin to maintain proper levels of blood glucose.

Symptoms of type 2 usually develop slowly over time and someone with T2D might not know for years that they have the disease. Still, it is incredibly important to be on the lookout for symptoms that might be indicating a serious issue is on the rise. Here are some key things to look for:

Increased thirst and frequent urination – An excessive buildup of sugar in the bloodstream can result in an increase in both thirst and urination, two of the most common signs of the onset of diabetes.

Increased hunger and weight loss – Intense hunger can come about as a direct result of the body’s lack of insulin. Sugar not making its way to cells in the body causes an overall depletion of energy, often leading to intense hunger, but also resulting in weight loss that cannot be explained.

Blurred vision – When blood sugar reaches a high point, fluid fails to make its way to the eye lenses, which then affects one’s ability to have focused vision.

Fatigue – Excessive tiredness and irritability results from blood glucose deprivation in one’s cells and can be a crucial warning sign, yet easy to overlook.

Frequent infections and slow-healing sores – A repeated resistance to infections—especially those affecting women like yeast infections—and noticing a sudden slowness to healing can also be attributed to type 2 diabetes.

Areas of darkened skin – Folds of the skins, such as the neck, armpit and groin may appear darker than normal as a result of insulin resistance. The term for this is acanthosis nigricans.

Foot pain and numbness – Pain, tingling and loss of feeling in hands and feet are signs of potential neuropathy, a common symptom of type 2.

Headaches – These are a common symptom of both high and low blood glucose, signifying that blood sugar is potentially out of its target range.

Type 2 diabetes can increase chances of heart disease. It is crucial to contact your doctor should you feel you are experiencing symptoms.

Written By Beyond Type 2 Editorial Team, Posted , Updated 09/06/23

This piece was authored collaboratively by the Beyond Type 2 Editorial Team.