Men’s Mental Health and Diabetes


Every day with diabetes is different, but our community is here to help. Follow along or add your voice to the #MenTalkHealth conversation.

Did you know men are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes than women? Or that people with diabetes are two to three times more likely to develop depression than people without diabetes? Despite this, men are less likely than women to seek help for mental health hurdles.

Whether you’re handling stress, diabetes distress, burnout, depression or anything else, sometimes talking to other people with diabetes who truly get it can make a big difference—connect with other guys with diabetes in the private Men’s Health group on the Beyond Type 2 Community App.

Therapy is another great way to get objective support for your mental health. Thank you to BetterHelp for offering everyone in our community two free weeks of professional online therapy. Learn more at

Join the #MenTalkHealth conversation by sharing your diabetes + mental health story

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